black flamingo projects

its snowing @ black flamingo

black flamingo projects is dedicated to the realization of commercial and non-commercial art ventures.
Our goal is to couple artists with appropriate funds from sponsors, foundations or companies supporting the realization of projects across commercial and non-commercial ventures.
Our office is located at Fahrbereitschaft where we showcase artists during Gallery Weekend and art berlin contemporary when the Haubrok art collection and the 30 artists residing on the compound open their spaces to the public.In November 2014 black flamingo launched the website, a rich platform dedicate to art and art production information in Berlin. Our Newsletter reaches approx. 2.000 subscribers.

black flamingo GbR
Torsten Oelscher | Eva Beth
Stahlheimer Straße 30
D-10439 Berlin
phone: +49 30 6583 0883
cell:      +49 157 3495 6464